
    10 Important Factors That Contribute to Petrol Prices in Dubai

    Petrol prices in Dubai are set by the government and can vary depending on the price of crude oil. However, there are also many other factors that influence petrol prices in Dubai, such as distribution costs and demand for refined products like diesel and kerosene.

    Dubai Government sets the prices of petrol.

    • The government sets a maximum price for fuel, and allows retailers to set their own prices up to that limit. The government reviews petrol prices on the 11th of each month.
    • The price of petrol in Dubai has been rising steadily since January 2018, when it was announced that the government would raise the price of petrol by 50 fils per litre. 
    • The increases have continued to January 2019, when the cost rose by another 10 fils per litre.

    Government fixes a maximum price for fuel.

    The way it works is, the government fixes a maximum price for fuel and allows retailers to set their own prices up to that limit. The government reviews the price every month, in order to ensure that it remains above any other country’s average.

    The National Oil Company (NOC) sets the maximum price per litre at Dhs1.99 ($0.29). Which means that if you want your fuel cheaper than this value, then you’ll have to pay more than Dhs1.99 per litre. 

    When buying from NOC retailers like Shell or Esso stations around Dubai city centre or elsewhere in UAE territory including Abu Dhabi. But not if your car has a special sticker on it showing its age.

    Prices are different for other types of fuel.

    • Petrol prices are different for other types of fuel, such as Super 98 and Special 95.
    • Super 98 is a higher octane fuel, so it costs more.
    • Special 95 is a lower octane fuel, so it costs less.
    • The price difference between the two fuels depends on the crude oil prices.
    • If crude oil prices are high, then the price of Super 98 will be higher. 
    • If crude oil prices are low, then the price of Super 98 will be lower. 
    • Special 95 is also a lower octane fuel than Super 98, so it costs less.

    Prices are reviewed around the 11th of each month.

    The prices of petrol and diesel are reviewed around the 11th of each month, and they are published online. They are different for different types of fuel. 

    For example, a liter of premium unleaded petrol costs Dh0.06 at current prices (Dh5 per liter).

    The government sets these prices based on factors such as crude oil price, distribution costs and other factors that affect the market price of petroleum products like gasoline or diesel.

    Petrol prices in Dubai fluctuate.

    The price of crude oil is a major factor in petrol prices. This is because it influences the global economy, geopolitics and other factors that affect international trade.

    Crude oil prices are influenced by global economic conditions as well as geopolitical events such as war or conflict in the Middle East. 

    For example, In general, an increase in demand for crude oil will lead to an increase in its price. Conversely if there are fewer people using it then this could result in a decrease in its value.

    The cost of refining crude oil is also a factor.

    Refining crude oil is a costly process, requiring large refineries to operate and maintain. These facilities can be located far from where the oil is extracted, which makes them more expensive to run and maintain.

    The final factor that influences petrol prices in Dubai is how much time it takes for your tank to fill up once you have filled up at a gas station. This depends on how much fuel there was in your car when it was refilled by an attendant at the pump (if there was none then don’t worry about this).

    Distributing and selling fuel also costs money.

    The cost of transporting fuel from the refinery to the petrol station is one of the most important factors that influence petrol prices in Dubai. The cost depends on where you live and how far it is from your nearest gas station (it’s usually cheaper if you live closer).

    In addition, there are also other factors that influence petrol prices in your area:

    • The cost of paying staff at each location where they work (this includes salaries, bonuses and benefits). 
    • For example, if a company owns multiple stations around town then they can pay their employees differently depending on which locations they work at. 
    • This will result in higher wages when compared against independently owned stations with fewer employees or no employees at all.

    The cost to the government of subsidising petrol.

    The government sets the price of petrol, and this means that it can increase or decrease it at any time. If you want to know what your current petrol costs are compared with other countries, visit our website.

    Not all stations charge exactly the same price.

    Another thing to consider is that while there’s only one government body setting petrol prices in Dubai, there are many different sellers. So not all stations charge exactly the same price. Some may charge more or less than others. 

    Prices may also vary from station to station, depending on what time of day or night it is (and possibly even if you’re driving a luxury car). So it’s important when making your trip plan that you check what stations are nearby and then decide whether or not they’ll be cheaper than others nearby.

    If you’re looking for an average price per litre of fuel around Dubai at any given time of day, then visit our website: 

    Petrol prices influenced by several factors.

    Petrol prices in Dubai are set by the government but influenced by several factors, including crude oil price and distribution costs. The price of crude oil is a major factor in petrol prices as it influences global supply and demand for this commodity. 

    In fact, this is one of the main reasons why you will find that there are different prices for different types of fuels such as diesel versus petrol or LPG versus CNG on your vehicle’s dashboard display when filling up at any gas station in Dubai

    • Petrol prices may also be influenced by tax levels on fuel sales inside or outside of Dubai depending on whether you’re using your car or motorcycle for business purposes (if it’s registered under your name). 
    • If you own two cars but only use one car regularly then it’s possible that they could each have different rates depending on when they were purchased, so check before paying.


    In conclusion, it is important to remember that the price of any commodity can fluctuate, even for goods as common as petrol. The key is to be aware of what factors influence its price in Dubai so that you can make informed decisions when buying or selling your home.


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